Struggling With Addiction or Have Questions?

Help is available. We’ll help you find it.

Drug overdoses don’t happen only to people with drug addictions. An accidental drug overdose can happen to anyone, and with prescribed medications and illicit substances alike. Learn how to avoid your risk of an OD by avoiding drugs or behaviors that could lead to an OD. Explore the information and links below to find the best information and resources for your situation.

Visit the CDC’s Information for Patients struggling with chronic pain.


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), a program of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, has a variety of resources for understanding and finding treatment for substance abuse.

Find appropriate treatment and locations in Mississippi.

In addition to counseling and behavior-based treatments, some medication-based treatments are available for addiction as well as Opiate Use Disorder (OUD), which has become a fast-growing problem in the U.S.

Get help immediately by calling SAMHSA's National Helpline.